Lecture at New Paths Festival Beverley 2023, © Matthew Johnson

Events 2024

9 January-13 February 10.30am-12.30pm: A weekly course, Exploring the music of Fanny Mendelssohn at City Lit (taught online)
13 January 9.30am: New Releases for BBC Radio 3’s Record Review with Andrew McGregor
15 January-25 March 6-7.30pm: A weekly course, Greek stories and musical settings, co-taught with Nikoletta Maniotti, at City Lit (taught online)
21 January 6.30pm: Online talk,  ‘The curious case of Brahms, Wagner and the Wesendoncks’ for the Wagner Society of Scotland (online)
28 January-3 February Daily talks host for the String Quartet Biennale Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw Amsterdam
17 February 11am-5pm: Host of Wye Valley Chamber Music Festival’s ‘Discovery Day’, exploring the music of Eugène Ysaÿe, Treowen Manor, Monmouthshire
20 February-19 March 10.30am-12.30pm: A weekly course, Exploring the music of Smetana at City Lit (taught online)
8 March 10.10am: Presentation as part of the British Library’s Celebrating Women Musicians past and present, Piggott Theatre, British Library
9 March 10.30am: Building a Library on Schubert’s ‘Great’ C major Symphony D944 for BBC Radio 3’s Record Review with Andrew McGregor
26 March 3.30pm: Host of the Nash Ensemble’s Side-by-Side performance with students from the Royal Academy of Music, part of their Celebration of the music of Harrison Birtwistle, at Wigmore Hall
12-14 April Panel chair and interviewer at the Ludlow English Song Weekend, including discussions with John Bridcut, Jess Walker, Harriet Burns, Christopher Churcher and Grant McLachlan
16 April 7pm: Talk for Friends of Garsington Opera, introducing Jean-Philippe Rameau’s Platée  
7-12 May Expert lecturer for the Salzburg String Quartet Festival, organised by Martin Randall Travel
18 May 2pm: New Releases for BBC Radio 3’s Record Review with Andrew McGregor
15-21 July A series of talks, ‘Hamilton’s Half Hour’, as part of this summer’s Ryedale Festival, covering works by Felix Mendelssohn, Sergei Prokofiev, Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms and Herbert Howells (see the Ryedale Festival website for details)
25 July 3pm-4.30pm: ‘My Music’, an interview with Sheila Hancock and the Carducci Quartet as part of the Ryedale Festival
29 July 7.30pm: Guest in the Radio 3 box for a BBC Proms performance of music by Beethoven, Bruckner and Tüür (interval discussion)
17 August 2pm: 5 top recordings of works by Antonín Dvořák for BBC Radio 3’s Record Review with Andrew McGregor
24 September-22 October 10.30am-12.30pm: A weekly course, Exploring the music of Anton Bruckner at City Lit (taught in person)
25 September-4 December 10.30am-12.30pm: A weekly course, The Schumanns: A Romantic Partnership at City Lit (taught online)
5 October 6pm: Pre-concert interview with Amelia Freedman and Julian Anderson at the opening of the Nash Ensemble’s 60th Anniversary season, Wigmore Hall

Click here for previous events