Author Archives: Katy

LP of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

Big stuff

One of my deadlines to meet this past week has been the completion of a lengthy essay – more like a book chapter, actually – for this summer’s Salzburg Festival. Between 15 and 22 August, Teodor Currentzis and musicAeterna (of the Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theatre in Perm) will give

The view across the border

It’s Sunday morning, and I’m sitting in the Feathers Hotel in Ludlow, bags half-packed, getting ready to chair the last of three panel discussions I’ve been overseeing here at the Ludlow English Song Weekend. The weekend’s programme, masterfully constructed by Iain Burnside, has been an exploration of Ireland – and

Dog behind the wheel of a car, paw on the steering wheel


Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while now might remember that last year, I took the plunge and learned how to drive. I was fortunate to have a fantastic teacher, glorious good weather over the summer in Suffolk, and an examiner who, whilst slightly baffling

Abstract paintings in blue and yellow

Make a mess

It’s the end of term, and I’ve spent an amount of the last few weeks talking to undergraduate students at Middlesex University about their big written projects, due in early May. They are, as ever, in various stages of completion: from almost full drafts, to agonising blank pages. And it

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