Category Archives: Let’s talk about this…

Sing up!

Well, we’ve reached December once again, and that means ʼtis the season for irritating Christmas compilations in the supermarket, a brass band on every street corner… and carols. Lots and lots of carols. Last week, I was present at two events which were scheduled to feature festive singing for one

Stay safe?

Safe. Adjective. Six definitions, according to the OED: Protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost Not likely to cause or lead to harm or injury; not involving danger or risk; (of a place) affording security or protection (Derogatory) Cautious and unenterprising

Get angry and do something

OK, it’s not my catchiest post title. No puns, no clever sideways references. But I mean it. Really. Because I’m sick and tired of reading about happenings labelled as ‘tragic’, and outcomes leaving people ‘disappointed’. We are way beyond disappointingly tragic. We have officially hit catastrophically, potentially permanently disastrous. So

Top notch?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a Great Composer, over the course of their life, and however Great a Composer they are considered to be, is likely to write something that is actually not so very Great at all. Something a bit under par. Something you might even be

Inside the box

A few days ago, a friend directed me to a fascinating article on the ever thought-provoking Aeon magazine site, about stupidity at work. Not the sit-on-the-photocopier-with-your-pants-down kind of stupidity – nor indeed the stupidity of getting something catastrophically wrong and landing your superiors in hot water. This is about the

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