Tag Archives: driving lessons

Dog behind the wheel of a car, paw on the steering wheel


Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while now might remember that last year, I took the plunge and learned how to drive. I was fortunate to have a fantastic teacher, glorious good weather over the summer in Suffolk, and an examiner who, whilst slightly baffling


It’s mid-July, school’s out (or almost!), and my walk into town over the past few weeks has often involved passing slightly worried teenagers fresh out of exams, consulting each other on how much detail they went into when discussing the Bay of Pigs in question three. At the time, I

Still learning

Now that summer has truly arrived, and my teaching schedule is thinning out, it’s time to start something new. Something practical. Something I need to learn from scratch, and which will help me (I hope) professionally as well as personally. Next Friday, I’m going to have my first driving lesson.