Category Archives: Let’s talk about this…

Katy, her waistcoat and the Heath Quartet at Ryedale, 2016

Waistcoat tales

Last Friday morning, I stood in the beautiful parish church of Birdsall, in North Yorkshire, and said good morning to the eager crowd gathered before me. I pointed down at the navy blue waistcoat I was wearing, and took a moment to offer the service announcement that I had, in

Typewriter on a desk with notepad and writing implements

Write on

As I was scrolling through Twitter on Wednesday, I came across the news that it was National Writing Day. Various people were tweeting advice and enthusiastic messages over the course of the day, encouraging people to tell their own stories and find their own words. Some of them, though, seemed

Photograph of Robert Pascall

For Robert

At the beginning of this week, I had the very sad news that Professor Robert Pascall, internationally-renowned Brahms scholar, wonderful teacher, and dear friend, had died. Robert was the most amazingly generous, inspirational man and had friends and grateful students all over the world. I wanted to take a moment

Toddler on a mat with a xylophone and tambourine

Make it up

For anyone who’s been paying attention to the raft of Leonard Bernstein centenary events going on this year, you’ve probably heard (at least once) someone singing the ‘Simple Song’ from his Mass, a rather curious music theatre piece from 1971. The lyrics, by Stephen Schwarz, begin like this: Sing God

Red pen resting on annotated essay

Take that tone

It’s that time of year again: essay marking. My lovely undergraduates at Middlesex University have been beavering away all year on long projects, which I am now tasked to assess. This is the time of year when academics sit together to discuss bloopers, inadvertently hilarious appealing spooling mistales (see what

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